🚀 Addons

GitHub Profile README Generator tool uses few open-source addons developed by other developers. Including such features makes the tool useful. The developers of this tool is very grateful to use these awesome addons.

GitHub README Stats

⚡️ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes

GitHub Stats Card

Rahul's github stats

Top Skills Card

Rahul's github top skills

Developed by Anurag Hazra.

You can customize the theme too. See how to customize yours here

GitHub Readme Streak Stats

Stay motivated while contributing to open source by displaying your current contribution streak


Developed by by Jonah Lawrence.

See how to customize the theme here

GitHub Profile Views Counter

It counts how many times your GitHub profile has been viewed. Free cloud micro-service.


Developed by by Anton Komarev.

You can customize the color, label and style too. See how to customize here

Dynamic Latest Blog Posts

Show your latest blog posts from any sources(like dev(.)to, medium etc) or StackOverflow activity on your GitHub profile/project readme automatically using the RSS feed.

dynamic latest blog example

Developed by Gautam Krishna R

How to use

  • Go to your repository
  • Add the following section to your README.md file, you can give whatever title you want. Just make sure that you use in your readme. The workflow will replace this comment with the actual blog post list:
# Blog posts

  • Create a folder named .github and create workflows folder inside it if it doesn't exist.
  • Create a new file named blog-post-workflow.yml with the following contents inside the workflows folder:
name: Latest blog post workflow
    # Runs every hour
    - cron: "0 * * * *"
    name: Update this repo's README with latest blog posts
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: gautamkrishnar/blog-post-workflow@master
          feed_list: "https://dev.to/feed/rahuldkjain, https://medium.com/feed/@rahuldkjain"
  • Replace the above url list with your own rss feed urls. See popular-sources for a list of common RSS feed urls.
  • Commit and wait for it to run

To know more, check out the official github repository